SofA software is fast becoming table stakes for large companies. Sitting in the cloud, it’s always available and is a ‘single source of the truth’ for multiple users across the globe.
It speeds up preparing (drafting and negotiating) a contract with automated workflows and pre-agreed clauses to simplify and add consistency to the drafting process.
Once prepared, the application accelerates the signing of contracts using best of breed, legally binding electronic signature technology.
SofA systems can be integrated with relevant functional systems, like CRM, human resources and ERP, to improve processes, facilitate the flow of information and allow departments to act immediately on the agreement.
The software allows business intelligence to be generated across the business, by any function, enabling the business to realise opportunities and minimise contract risk.
Just as CRM revolutionised customer relationship management and ERP modernised enterprise resource planning, System of Agreement software transforms contractual relationships.